Edscha TS worldwide communication made easy: Take advantage of the opportunities!

Your translation tools for borderless communication

In our globalized world, it is often necessary to understand texts in foreign languages. Whether you are surfing a website or studying instruction manuals, assembly instructions, repair instructions or brochures of products such as sliding roof systems from Edscha TS, the ability to translate texts into your native language can be extremely helpful. In this blog post, we will introduce you to two simple methods for translating texts in foreign languages on homepages and printed documents into your own language.

Translating texts on homepages with the browser

Most modern web browsers offer built-in translation services that allow you to translate text on web pages into your native language. Here's how it works:

Browser Translation Tools

Google Chrome: If you use Google Chrome, translating text is a breeze. Just visit the web page you want to translate and right-click on the text. Select "Translate to [your language]" from the context menu, and the text will be translated into your language without any hassle.

Mozilla Firefox: Firefox also offers a built-in translation function. Visit the desired web page, click the three-bar menu icon in the upper right corner, and select "Translate Page". You can then select the target language and Firefox will translate the text accordingly, making worldwide communication easier.

Microsoft Edge: If you are using Edge, you can enable the translation feature by clicking the three-bar menu icon in the upper right corner and selecting "Translate Page". By default, Edge uses Microsoft Translator to translate the text into your language, helping to transform global communication.

Translating printed documents with smartphone apps

Translating printed documents is now easier than ever thanks to smartphone apps. Here are some apps that can help you:

Translations via Mobile Apps

Google Translate (for Android and iOS): This app from Google offers a feature called "text recognition". Open the app, tap the camera icon, and point your camera at the printed text. Google Translator automatically recognizes the text and translates it into your chosen language in real time, without any translation problems.

Microsoft Translator (for Android and iOS): Similar to Google Translator, Microsoft Translator also offers a text recognition feature. Open the app, tap the camera icon, and point your camera at the text. The app recognizes the text and translates it instantly, enabling global communication without barriers.

iTranslate (for Android and iOS): iTranslate is another great app for translating printed documents. Open the app, tap the camera icon, and scan the text. The app translates the text into your desired language and helps transform printed content into globally understandable information.

The importance of translation tools in the global society

Worldwide Communication

Translation tools have become increasingly important in our globalized society. Here are some reasons why these tools are indispensable:

Global communication: In a world where people from different cultures interact, the ability to overcome language barriers is crucial. Translation tools enable people to communicate effectively with each other, regardless of their native language, which can lead to easier global communication.

Access to information: The Internet offers a wealth of information from around the world. Translation tools make it possible to access and benefit from this information, regardless of the language in which it is available, and contribute to the transformation of information access.

Business opportunities: In the business world, translation tools open up new markets and business opportunities. Companies can make their products and services accessible to a global audience by creating multilingual content and using translation tools to achieve transformation in their global business environment.

Cultural exchange: Translation tools promote cultural exchange by encouraging people to explore books, movies, music, and other media from different cultures. This contributes to cultural diversity and understanding between nations and supports the transformation of our cultural knowledge.

Translating texts in foreign languages is now easier than ever, thanks to the advanced technology and the variety of translation tools available. Whether you browse the Internet or read printed documents, these tools allow you to experience the world in your native language, without translation problems. Use them to overcome the barriers of communication and knowledge and enjoy the full benefits of a globalized society. This way you can experience worldwide communication and transformation in all its facets and explore the world in all its languages! Edscha TS would like to use this article to point out how their print and digital products can be read cost-effectively in all languages to promote global communication.

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