Fast and safe!

Distribution and route traffic right to the point

The transportation of goods is precisely the part of the system that keeps companies around the world beating. And it doesn't matter whether the transportation is carried out by distribution or long-distance transport: Logistics must be fast, safe and cost-effective. Depending on the product, for example, entire processes in the production of certain goods can depend on the timely delivery of the goods required at precisely the right time. The so-called "just in time" principle depends on absolute reliability. In addition to the "human component", the skills of the "hardware" are also required: the right vehicle, the right roof system for fast loading and unloading, the options for perfect load securing, checking the route and the current traffic situation, etc. Whether near or far, in modern logistics it is no longer just the driving itself that is required, but the interplay of many complex, interrelated details. A look at the "logistics construction kit" reveals what is available for this.

Small, agile and fast

Everyone knows them - the smaller vans compared to trucks, which are generally used by leading logistics companies for the delivery of goods in smaller quantities. As these transports move almost exclusively in the vicinity, this is also known as local transport or distribution transport. The vehicles, often equipped with tail lifts, must be agile and flexible in order to maneuver in urban areas and on narrow roads. Typical examples are panel vans or smaller curtainside trucks with a gross vehicle weight of up to 7.5 tons. 


Safety always comes first

Trucks with semi-trailers and CurtainSider bodies are also used, which are equipped with side curtains and a sliding tarpaulin cover to enable better loading and unloading. These vehicles are particularly advantageous in distribution centers, as they allow quick access to the load from the side. The load often consists of parcels or pallets that need to be unloaded quickly and efficiently. Load securing plays a decisive role here, as both the goods and road users should remain undamaged during transportation. It is important that the load is evenly distributed and secured with suitable means such as lashing straps and anti-slip mats.

High performance with staying power

In long-distance transport, where trucks are used over long distances, the demands on the vehicles and load securing are particularly high. Here, tractor units with semi-trailers or road trains are often used, which can have a permissible total weight of up to 40 tons. The load often consists of larger and heavier units, which must be carefully secured in order to avoid endangering the goods and road traffic. For loading situations from the sides and/or from above, superstructures with curtainsider cover systems or full tarpaulin cover systems are often used to enable flexible loading and unloading. Unloading usually takes place at specially equipped ramps or unloading stations. Special unloading aids such as forklift trucks or cranes are used.

Always in view: Special route planners

Another important aspect of route traffic is route planning. What used to be researched by looking at a paper map is now done by digital software. Many companies use special digital maps to plan routes: Due to the higher weight and larger dimensions of the vehicles, bridge restrictions, clearance heights and weight restrictions must be taken into account. It is also crucial to comply with drivers' driving and rest times in order to ensure safety on the roads.

Check load securing

Load securing plays a major role throughout the vehicle body in both modes of transport. It is crucial that the load is secured in such a way that it does not slip or fall over even during abrupt braking maneuvers or evasive movements. Various aids such as lashing straps, tension rods or nets are available for this purpose. It is important that staff are trained in the use of these aids and that load securing is checked regularly.

Verdecke mit System

Eine sorgfältige Planung, die Auswahl des richtigen Fahrzeugs und die korrekte Sicherung der Ladung sind entscheidend, um einen sicheren und effizienten Transport zu gewährleisten. Wichtig ist auch der richtige Fahrzeugaufbau und das richtige Planenverdecksystem, wie CurtainSider, Vollplane, Schiebebügel oder OpenBox-Systeme sorgen für mehr Flexibilität und Effizienz beim Transport. Schnelles, häufiges Öffnen des Laderaums ist gerade für Verteiler im Nahverkehr, für Kleinlieferungen „frei Bordsteinkante“ und für alle anderen Kurzstreckenzustellungen mit vielen Ladestellen, bei denen der Fahrer allein für die Be- und Entladung zuständig ist, ein Zeit- und Kostenfaktor, der nicht zu unterschätzen ist.

Close the flap and off you go

Edscha TS has a whole range of innovative rear end options for your sliding roof systems that make opening the entire rear loading area easier, safer, faster and more convenient. The TailWing – a door in the rear of the vehicle, so to speak - is completely integrated in the design of the respective Edscha Trailer Systems sliding roof system and thus offers optimum functionality, the best robustness and durability. Further information (TailWing)

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