What is stress?
Stress is a natural reaction of our body to excessive strain that disturbs the physical balance. This can be physical or, for example, psychological stress. Every person reacts to it differently. There are people who are resistant and to whom stress is less of an issue. Others feel "put through the wringer" and are only marginally ready for action for many days. Due to the constant tension, the body secretes so-called stress hormones, blood pressure and pulse rise. Headache and backache come along. One has an inner restlessness, cannot concentrate on anything and, last but not least, is extremely irritable towards other people. If these symptoms persist over a longer period of time, stress can make you ill. The consequences can be, for example: Fatigue, chronic pain or even a heart attack.
Stress in everyday traffic is dangerous
People who are stressed not only appear insecure and unfocused, they actually are. For a truck driver, these are components that he can hardly use, especially on his tours in everyday rush-hour traffic. Many dangerous situations are underestimated or simply not perceived. According to statistics, stress is one of the reasons for many accidents.

Searching for the cause
If you want to combat your stress, you should first look for the causes that trigger it. Is it perhaps the long tours in long-distance traffic or is it that one dispatcher that the other colleagues don't like either. Is it the payment or that customer who always has something to complain about, even though everything is fine? Perhaps one is also annoyed about the soft top system of the vehicle, which can only be opened with great difficulty. The boss has probably saved money in the wrong place again. It's also possible that it's the constant arguments at home. You can see that the causes of stress can be quite diverse.

Reduce stress - but how?
Many things that cause stress take place in the mind. You don't necessarily have to get stubbornly angry to get your blood pressure up that way. Instead, you should try to see things a little more calmly, neutrally and calmly assess. It often helps to know that sooner or later things can change. For example, if the previous breakdown cover is suddenly replaced by a modern Edscha TS system.
Keep calm
Sporting activities or meditation, such as an evening run, autogenic training or yoga, can also help you forget stress. You also have to think about a healthy diet, enough sleep and especially enough time for hobbies, friends and family. This also includes time for yourself. Time in which you simply do nothing, relax and unwind. In youth language, this is called "chilling", translated as "cooling down, calming down, relaxing, hanging out". By the way, you should also take a look at the benefits catalog of your health insurance. Many measures are covered or subsidized by the insurance companies.
Stress-free on the road
Last but not least, it is important to make everyday traffic life as stress-free as possible and to turn the "road" combat zone into an area for peaceful coexistence. Often enough, it's easier to give in, because in most cases you can move forward faster that way. And you avoid trouble. And if your favorite music is still blaring from the speakers, your day is probably saved.